The end of another month…
Thursday, March 31st, 2005 at 19:41 | by Alistair BaillieYep, it’s another random entry!
Well March has come and gone, rather quickly, University is almost complete, and I finally got round to writing, and submitting my Economics 101 General Essay today, a whole 24 hours before the deadline, I hope you are all so proud of me.
Its quite worrying, that in 3 years, this is the first real essay I have had to write for university, and I actually enjoyed doing it when I sat down and started writing.
Keeping the typing bug I have caught going, I created a CV, I would give it its proper name, but I can not for the life of me spell it. It’s rather short, only two pages long, since I am reliably informed that short is the new fashion for them. Who am I to argue; besides I hate writing about myself?
I went bowling on Tuesday night; I won the first game, and drew the second!
Happy 20th Birthday to Lorna as well!
My new web site layout has been put on hold till I work out what I have done wrong with the CSS code, it works perfectly in FireFox, my new favourite web browser, but for some odd reason parts of it randomly disappear and re appear when you view it in Internet Explorer.
I have found a wonderful web site that has parodies of random songs, its some American guy’s and as far as I can tell, he is a proper musician person and his songs get played on radio stations, but I’ve never heard of him in the UK, and neither has ITunes UK! His site is at and you can even listen to all his songs online, for free.
What else was I going to say? Well I am sure I have probably forgotten stuff, but I’ll write about it eventually.