8 weeks down
Wednesday, November 21st, 2007 at 18:42 | by Alistair BaillieSo, that’s another week (well 2 weeks almost) gone by. College is progressing slowly, this whole 8 hours a week is beginning to get very boring, although I’ve ended up with a cold from power boating at the weekend so at least I get to sleep lots.
Last weekend saw Fran, Helena and me zooming around the Solent in the freezing cold and rain in a power boat doing our RYA Advanced Powerboat Course. I started doing the powerboat courses last year solely for something to do at the weekends and now there all done I never intend to do any more – at least in the UK, it’s too cold.
On the college front all is going well, 1st assignment was handed in on Monday, only another 6 to go. The wet cargo individual one which is basically loading a tanker is now done but its not due till January. I have 2 assignments for Meteorology one is due a week on Monday and is in progress; the other is due in 4 weeks and hasn’t been started yet.
I also have a Voyage Planning (Passage Planning) assignment which is due the same day as the second meteorology one; it also hasn’t been started yet.
For January I have another group assignment (loading a general cargo ship), a bulk carrier loading plan assignment and stability coursework assignment. The bulk carrier and stability one have also been started.
Its also 4 weeks to go until I go home to Scotland for Christmas.
And to be totally random here’s a Holland America Line Captain’s blog I found when randomly browsing the net.
I assume people other than my family and Marc’s dad actually read this (purely based on the random emails I get and the sheer number of hits this page receives), so if there’s anything you want me to write about, questions to answer, or just to say who you are, etc. feel free to add them as a comment to this (or any of the entry’s) and I’ll get round to answering them since I think my college life postings are a bit boring.