Back at Warsash
Saturday, January 13th, 2007 at 01:00 | by Alistair BaillieWell that’s the end of the 1st week back here at good old Warsash. It was good seeing everyone again but now the studying for exams has started!
The place is also crawling with new HND Phase 1 cadets, and phase 5 and 7 HND cadets.
The weeks been pretty much the usual; maths, charts, tides, celestial, terrestrial, law and stability. Although our liquid cargo lessons have now stopped and we’re getting additional stability lessons during that slot.
Not a lot else has been happening though, so until next time, which will probably be after my exams.
Ps. To whoever posted saying the comment on “Two weeks to go†hadn’t been approved – sorry but my blog software seems to have screwed up and my attempts to get it to post the comment seem to have deleted it – so feel free to post again, and my apologies.
I will be fixing my coding errors and redesigning the site during my week off before I leave for Brazil so that should stop it happening again.