Thursday, November 3rd, 2005 at 13:58 | by Alistair BaillieHaving spent a very short three years at the University of Strathclyde studying Software Engineering (then Science Studies after I decided I didn’t like it at the end of first year), I graduated on Monday 31st of October 2005 with a BSc in Science Studies.
The ceremony took place in Strathclyde’s Barony Church / Hall, which was very nice, and very well organised, although no one bothered to explain to the students what we actually had to do. We were basically told to stand up, follow the person in front and do what they did. I was well impressed with the way they went through 400 odd graduates in 30 minutes, and then spent the remaining 30 minutes doing speeches, before we all traipsed out in a procession to the Lord Todd bar.
During the ceremony because I was on the Science Studies degree I found myself with people I had never met before, and who weren’t actually doing my particular course, but they were both very nice (Adele and Siobhan incase they happen to come across this).
After the ceremony we went to a restaurant / bar in Bothwell called the Cricklewood for dinner which was ok, then home!
So now I’m back to hunting for jobs, of which there is a general lack of!
And that’s all I really have to say for now, so until next time, c ya.